Mon cher petit Benjamin,

The "fourth trimester" is now over and you are 3 months old! Right now I am sitting on my bed while you sleep in your crib. You had a hard time falling asleep because you kept losing your beloved sucette (pacifier). Everytime it fell out you screamed as if someone had been pinching you. Or someone cruelly stole your sucette. And who was the thief? Your right hand.
Yes, over the last couple of weeks you have discovered your hands. Several times this week you have sat in rapt admiration of them. You put your hands together and entwine your fingers and stare at them. And then you try to get them apart, grunting as you do it. We've been sticking things in you hands for a few weeks now after I read some parenting newsletter that claimed you should be picking things up!! Ends up that newsletter was way off base (or I misread it... that might be the more likely scenario these days).

Speaking of hands, I keep forgetting to talk about your hands in these letters. You have big hands. In fact, right after you were born the doctor looked at you in my arms and commented on how big your hands were. I think you have Charron hands, specifically your great-grandmother's. She was a pianist so I must admit that I hope you enjoy playing the piano when you are older. I'm thinking your very long thumb is going to help you span more than an octave on the keyboard. You were also born with perfectly shaped finger nails and now you have the misfortune to have your mother as a manicurist (she has a hard enough time doing her own nails, now imagine nails a bit bigger than a pin's head and a little hand that won't stop moving -- I am just getting over the fear that I might clip off some flesh as I clip those lovely nails that grow so fast).
Your hands are far from being your main method of exploration. In fact, your papa was commenting recently on your need for biceps. Good thing you have a baby gym to help you learn how to use your arms and build those muscles! For now what you like to do most is kick, particularly the butterfly that hangs from your gym that sings and lights up everytime you make it swing. Your favorite game is drumfeet:
You also like to kick Nessie, your crawling
giraffe that reminds me of the Loch Ness monster.

We sit on the edge of the carpet and Nessie vibrates across the floor to you (playing
Fur Elise [
midi]) and you kick at her or grab her with your feet. And then try to lean in and put her in your mouth. Yes, your mouth is your favorite mode of investigation and since your arms aren't strong enough to bring most things to your mouth, you tend to lean forward into them.
I also keep forgetting to talk about your hair. You were born with a lot of dark, wavy hair. And now it is falling out. (If you cared, we could comiserate because your maman is in competition with
Bones to see who can shed the most these days). I pulled some of you hair out of your brush last night and it feels like silk. You now have a bald strip that goes around the back of your head, basically from ear to ear. But just above it, in the back, you have a beautiful swirl of hair. I am very curious to see what color your new hair will be since your eyebrows are a redish brown and I thought I detected some blond peach fuzz on your temples the other day. But I can't imagine you without your dark hair. And what color are your eyes going to be? For now they are still deep blue.

I'm afraid that I don't know exactly when you started holding your head up. It was very gradual (and when you are tired it still flops about some), but for the last few weeks you've been holding it up pretty well. It's wonderful to walk around with you and watch you turn your head from side to side as you stare at your surroundings. When we go for walks now you face forward in your Baby Björn and you are fascinated by the powerlines. No more naps during walks! Holding your head up also means you can sit up -- with some help, which is why your papa got you
the bumbo. You really like sitting up (
"Assis comme un grand!") and looking around.
I could go on to talk about your daily routine (how you sleep til nine and then "we" sing French songs before mat- and tummy time, how you take three naps a day), but this post is already a week late so I'll refrain (mostly) until next time.

I will mention, however, that things are looking up on the feline front. After greeting you with a hiss when you came home from the hospital, Lutèce has become more tolerant and now comes up to sniff your hand when you are playing on your mat. The other day she even rubbed her head against your extended hand and purred! Of course, I'm not sure you noticed this great honor...
You are a delight, mon petit bonhomme. I hear that month 4 is supposed to be the real awakening, but I've loved every minute (well, except maybe some of the middle of the night feeds...) of months 1, 2, and 3.
Gros bisous,
ta maman
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