Friday, July 06, 2007

7 more

[posted by bkmarcus]
In all the birthday hubbub, we've not updated you on Benjamin's language acquisition.

New Words:
  1. truck (pronounced in a way that might embarrass us)
  2. sac (bag)
  3. paille (drinking straw, said while signing)
  4. merci (thank you, prounced "eh-see" and said while signing)
  5. feuilles (leaves, pronounced "fuh!")
New Signs:
  1. thank you (sometimes signed while saying merci)
  2. shower (done with sound effects!)
  3. straw (signed while saying the French word, paille)
Yes, yes. French is starting to leave English in the dust.

I'm still darn proud.
- papa

PS I forgot one:
  1. à tes (said when someone sneezes, this is the first part of à tes souhaits, "bless you")

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