Sunday, August 26, 2007

rain, rain, go away ...

[posted by bkmarcus]
Benjamin got to see the biggest rain storm of his life today. He really enjoyed it. We have new storm doors this summer, well sealed, all glass, ceiling to floor, and lockable — so we tend to leave the main doors open during the day and use the storm doors as giant windows. An unplanned benefit of this arrangement is that Benjamin can stand at the glass door and look outside whenever he wants to.

He got to stay dry while watching a heavy deluge.

It was a quick and heavy downpour and stopped just as quickly, which upset him quite a bit. He wanted more rain. His mother had to explain that there was no more rain.

When I came into the room, Benjamin looked at me and did what I'd like to think of as his 2nd-ever ASL "sentence":

He signed "rain, rain" and then shook his head, "no."

"What's he saying?" I asked Nathalie.

"He's saying there's no more rain."

- papa

Here's Benjamin looking out the front door on a dry day.

(He's watching his mother garden.)



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