Saturday, December 22, 2007

vocabulary update

[posted by bkmarcus]
I realize I haven't updated the baby blog with Benjamin's new words since he hit 200. It's not that he stopped there. I've just failed to keep you up to date. Let's correct that now:
  1. Kayla (Miss Angel's daughter and Benjamin's regular babysitter)
  2. caillou (pebble)
  3. plus (more)
  4. jean (blue jeans)
  5. jazz (we think he uses this word for all instrumental music)
  6. Bach (we think he uses this name for all organ music)
  7. oiseau (bird)
  8. two
  9. miettes (crumbs)
  10. chanson (song)
  11. ceinture (belt)
  12. Mickey (Mouse)
  13. autre (other; Benjamin uses it to mean un autre, "another.")
  14. video
  15. queue (tail)
  16. yeah
  17. coffee
  18. tree (pointing to a Chritmas tree)
  19. lapin (rabbit)
  20. autruche (ostrich)
  21. moose
  22. voir (see)
  23. morceau (piece)
  24. pouce (thumb)
  25. araignée (spider, pronounced "ahnyay")
  26. boots
  27. cow (the one that jumped over the moon)
  28. hair
  29. blocks
  30. bowl (as in "bowl full of mush" from Goodnight Moon)
  31. mush (as in "bowl full of mush" from Goodnight Moon)
  32. couteau (knife)
  33. stylo (pen, pronounced "eelo")
  34. girl (usually referring to Monster Girl)
  35. montre (watch)

(I do keep the main list up to date.)

- papa



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