Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Still unreal

[posted by Nat]
A new father-to-be asked me when being pregnant starts to feel real -- the end of what I'll call the "is this really happening?" phase.

Well, here I am at nearly 37 weeks, sitting in a chair with my laptop at arm's length because my belly is in the way, feeling my son roll around and give the occasional hiccup and... it still doesn't quite feel real to me. I know he's in there -- I've seen the ultrasounds, I've felt the kicks, I've seen my belly wiggle strangely, and I've felt the shape of little limbs just under my skin as he stretches -- and yet I can't believe that in just a few weeks he's going to do all that squirming in our arms or in his crib, that his now silent hiccups are going to become hiccups we can hear, that we'll listen to him cry and coo, that we'll watch him discover this world that he is so completely oblivious to right now. When we sing to him, we'll be able to see him react (or not react) to the songs that he's been hearing for months now.

He's going to make his entrance sometime soon, and yet I still can't quite believe it.



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