Saturday, March 17, 2007

more more more

[posted by bkmarcus]
Any hesitation we had in identifying Benjamin's gesture as sign language are gone. He's clearly signing "more." He does it with open hands instead of closed, but the setting and context make it clear, as well as the fact that clapping ("yay!") is a bunch of claps accompanied by a big grin, whereas "more" is just two claps and a look of anticipation at the supply of finger foods we keep out of his reach. If I say "more?" or Nathalie says "plus?" he'll immediately do his more-sign if he in fact wants more. And when he's no longer interested in the finger foods, he'll stop.

Just to test that he knows it's the sign for "more" and not, say, the sign for cheerios, we've done it with frozen peas and pureed fruit. He won't typically ask for more mush, but if we ask him, he'll sign "more" if he's ready and not sign if he's not yet ready for another spoonful.

As with his waving bye-bye and hello, I feel more in touch with the boy.

- proud papa

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