Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New words and favorite words

[posted by Nat]
Benjamin has gotten pretty good at saying "bye-bye" (though sometimes he just mouths it) and I'm pretty sure he is saying "hi" too (don't know why he doesn't try "bonjour" since he certainly hears it every day).

At dinner tonight he said "fromage" (cheese). Well, he said "fo-age," "fmage," and finally settled on something like "mage." He also repeated "baguette" several times, which surprised me since we don't eat baguette often and just happened to have one for dinner tonight. We'll see if he recognizes baguettes next time we go grocery shopping. He might just think they are really big sticks.

So far his words mostly have to do with what fascinates him: walking ("mash" for marcher), doors ("pote" for porte), balls ("ba" for both balle and ball), and boxes ("bwa" for boite or "box").




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