Wednesday, January 16, 2008

18mo checkup

[posted by bkmarcus]
Benjamin was having a grand old time at the doctor's this morning, playing with everything, exploring everything. Then the doctor came in and Benjamin started to worry. Worry turned to tears, and he cried throughout the exam. We don't understand this, since it's never the doctor who gives the shots, and Benjamin had been perfectly happy and friendly with the nurse, who does, in fact, stick in the needles.

He's been a real mama's boy recently — only in the sense of clearly preferring his maman to his papa — but in the exam room, you would have thought Papa was his favorite thing in the world: security blanket, protector, everything. He's never hung on so tight. The doctor even asked if he was going through a father-preference phase, because we couldn't get him to walk from father to mother, only from mother to father. But no, he's not in a papa phase — not unless a phase can be only 30 minutes long.

Anyway, the boy is still 90th percentile for height and dead-on average for weight and skull.

Height: 33½"

Weight: 25 lb 10 oz

Skull: 19¼"
- papa



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