Sunday, January 22, 2006

An avocado

[posted by Nat]
According to the Pumpkin is now about the size of an avocado -- though I don't know if they mean the big, smooth avocados or the smaller ones that have bumps.

I was disappointed not to receive my weekly BabyCenter newsletter last night. It usually comes on Saturday night because that's when we "change" weeks. For the last ten weeks the newsletter has marked each milestone of the Pumpkin's development. I guess it got lost somewhere in cyberspace.

As I was searching for images of avocados for the blog,I found this wonderful poster by Oliver Wetter at Epilogue. The cat reminds me of Lutece and boy is she going to have the blues when the Pumpkin arrives.

While going through images I also had a craving for an avocado salad... does that make me a cannibal?



Blogger feecaro said...

Sometimes my weekly newsletters from would come a day or two late. Not sure why.

By the way, I looked through my 2005 journal and I first started to feel movement (felt like popping bubbles to me) at 16 weeks. At 18 weeks I thought I felt a thump, and then at 21 weeks I was certain that I felt several kicks in quick succession.

Hopefully you'll start to feel the avocado fluttering quite soon!

12:28 PM  
Blogger bkmarcus said...

We were just at the grocer and saw an avocado. Sure enough, it looked about 4 or 5 inches long, which is what BabyCenter says is the length of a 16-week-old fetus.

I asked the mommy-to-be if she was still in the mood for symbolic cannibalism. She looked at the price tag and said, "Not for $1.50 each I'm not!"


2:16 PM  

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